Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are there bad guys in the Badlands?

I sure hope not. Because I'm currently writing this from inside my sleeping bag on top of a Picnic table outside of the park. Its freaking cold and theres alot of stars out. Anyways. I woke up this morning had some cold deep dish pizza for breakfast and left Janestown Wi heading west. As I crossed the Mississippi River I noticed a riverboat casino, so I had to stop and check it out. After A few hands of blackjack I left with 100$ extra dollars in my pocket. For those of you who have a notion that drving across the country is this great trip, let me assure you its pretty boring. The first oh 1100 miles or so are pretty much all the same. I always think of good shit to put in here throughout the day then forget it. Tomorrow I will start keeping voicenotes. I was determined to meet my goal of making it to Badlands today. The sunset along I-90 in South Dakota was awesome tonigt. Sometime after that an owl flew out of the darkness and in front of my car-well an owl or a chupecabra, can't be certain which. I will have to set my alarm early so I can be off the picnic table before the Badlands tading post opens in the am. Its really quiet out here except for the occasional car passing on th highway or cattle moo in the distance. Tomorrows goal is livingston montana. I think. 1600 miles til Seattle. I'm going to try and sleep now but I'll probably be too creeped out about aliens and boogeymen. Til next time..

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